Hey Agung-
Yaro Starak and Gideon Shalwick have just given me
permission to tell you that the doors to their highly
anticipated coaching program, "Become a Blogger"
have just been reopened.
If you are serious about becoming a better blogger, then
I highly recommend signing up for their "Become a Blogger"
program. Not only is the content amazing, but Yaro and Gideon
(who are very well known and successful bloggers themselves)
explain things in a non-technical way so it's easy to
understand for anyone.
It's one of the best, if not THE best blogging courses
out there at the moment, and is recommended by dozens
of professional bloggers around the world.
http://www.eblogtemplates.com/rd/becomeablogger-5-days-email/ Yaro and Gideon are very talented at explaining things
in layman's terms and have put together this amazing
online video course based on their very popular
"Become A Blogger" video series.
They've already had over 100,000 downloads for their blogging
tutorial videos. If you read the "Roadmap to Become a Blogger",
then you know the quality of Yaro and Gideon's work.
The resource is broken down into 8 Modules over 6 months
including a number of other bonuses. Here is what's covered:
* Get Your Blog Up And Running Fast And FREE
* How To Optimize Your Blog For Maximum Search Engine Performance
* How To Create Powerful Content For Your Blog, Consistently & Without Fail
* How To Use Images On Your Blog To Make You Stand Out From The Crowd
* How To Create A Different Dimension To Your Blog By Adding Audio
* How To Breathe Life Into Your Blog Using Online Video
* How To Create Multiple Streams of High Quality Traffic To Your Blog
* How To Make Money From Your Blog
http://www.eblogtemplates.com/rd/becomeablogger-5-days-email/ They are keeping the doors open for ONLY 5 days, and then
they will shut it again for the rest of the year!
Crazy I know!
But they said that they needed to limit the
numbers somehow.
Last time they opened doors, they were bombarded
with a flood of new members signing up, and they
had to close the program to the general public for
a few months to take care of their new members.
But I just wanted to make sure you get in this
But don't take my word for it, go see for yourself
over here:
http://www.eblogtemplates.com/rd/becomeablogger-5-days-email/ To Your Blogging Success,
~David Cowgill
Founder, eBlog Templates
PS: Don't forget that you only have 5 days to get
in on this. When the clock strikes 11.59pm on
Friday, July 3, 2009, they will shut the doors,
and then you wont be able to get in until next